All Care Living Assistance Services

All Care

Social Work (MSW)

Skilled professionals who provide emotional support, advocacy and resources

Social Work (MSW)

Social workers work with clients to assess the full range of their needs and help them access services and resources to improve their quality of life. In short, social workers help people solve problems, set goals, and get things done.

In the field of home health care, there are multiple specialties that rely on social workers as a vital part of the multidisciplinary care team, including home health, and personal care and companionship services.

For those — most often seniors — who find it’s become more challenging to manage daily personal activities or housekeeping tasks on their own, personal care and companionship services can help them stay safe and independent at home. Depending on need, caregivers — usually home health aides — provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, grooming, and dressing; meal planning and preparation; light housekeeping; running errands and shopping; escorts to appointments; and companionship.

Contact us today to learn which service is best for you. Each client’s specific needs will determine whether a HHA, a PCA or a Nurse (or combination thereof) should be utilized.

How it works

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Choose Package

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Get the Service

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Progress Report

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For Independent seniors, we make living easy

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Basic Plan

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Premium Plan

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Extra Plan

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Need Assistant for your need?

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What they say about us

All Care takes the stress away! it's priceless to be able to have a trustworthy aide provide my loved one with such care, all in the comfort of home. It's an invaluable service that I can't recommend enough. If you haven't called them yet - call!
Sonia C.
Human Resources Director